“The Glassworker” or “Sheeshagar” is Pakistan’s first hand-drawn animated feature film. The work being produced by Mano Animation Studios has been recognized by Studio Ghibli, Studio Chizu, Studio Ponoc, TED, IGN, Gamespot and more.
Above: First 4 minutes of footage from 'The Glassworker'. This was released February, 2018.
My contributions to the 4 minutes:
01:01 - 01:05 : Keyframed, inked and colored the rose.
03:28 - 03:37 : Keyframed, inked, colored and shaded the hands.
05:31 - 05:35 : Planned, keyframed, inked, colored and shaded the entire shot.
05:56 - 05:58 : Planned, keyframed, inked, colored and shaded the entire shot.
06:51 - 06:53 + 06:54 - 06:57 : Inked, colored and shaded the entire shot.
10:11 - 10:17 : Planned, keyframed inked, colored and shaded the character in maroon.
10:17 - 10:19 : Planned, keyframed inked, colored and shaded all the characters.
I interned at Mano in the December of 2016 and was introduced to Disney’s 12 Principles of Animation, the studio’s animation pipeline, countless learning resources and amazing mentors.
I joined Mano full-time right after graduating from college in July 2017. I completed several shots for ‘The Glassworker’ and dealt with almost every stage in the animation pipeline, helping Mano to reach it’s milestone of releasing the first 4 minutes of the film and beyond.
Notable Experiences:
Gained professional studio experience dealing with deadlines and revisions on a daily basis.
Got hands-on experience with almost all phases of the 2D animation pipeline.
Understood the importance of having sound knowledge of the fundamentals for any field. Consistently started studying Richard Williams and Andrew Loomis on my own time.
Became well-versed in the art of giving and, more importantly, seeking constructive criticism.
Collaborated with other creatives to produce work.
Successfully adhered to and improved on direction from the Director and Art Director.
Learned how to structure work files that are suitable for being passed on to new owners.
Improved immensely as an illustrator, storyteller and animator.